A revolution in reforestation.

GreenTrees is working with South Carolina landowners to plant forests that clean the air and remove carbon from the atmosphere.


Milliken Forestry Company is proud to partner with ACRE Investment Management to bring Green Trees to South Carolina. 

Green Trees is the largest voluntary forest carbon project in the world providing access to carbon markets otherwise inaccessible to small and medium size landowners. 

trees committed by 2030

50,000,000 trees planted by GreenTrees and landowner partners 

6,300,000 tons of cumulative carbon sequestration verified 

130,000 acres in the GreenTrees program


get a free land assessment
See if your land qualifies for the GreenTrees reforestation program.

Real stories from real landowners.

GreenTrees landowners share their insights about the reforestation process and how GreenTrees has helped their families in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley.

A new hope for the battered Mississippi delta.

"I was never a forester and I’m no tree-hugger, but the deforestation in the Delta has hurt the soil and the farmer both.”

Ricky Lowery, Delta Farmer

For flood weary farmers, a new way to stay on the land.

"Income was certainly a consideration, but hunting and keeping the family close by were the main reasons for the crop-to-forest conversion,” says Roy. "he hardwood species selected by GreenTrees when mature provide nutritive mast for deer, turkey, quail, bear, and other game."

Roy McCallie, Mississippi

GreenTrees helps landowners plant trees on their land, then independently verify the carbon credits generated by those trees with the American Carbon Registry (ACR), and then sell those credits to sustainability-minded corporations who are looking to offset their emissions. In addition to the economic benefits to selling these carbon credits, using your land to grow trees has positive water quality and biodiversity impacts, helping to restore wildlife habitats.

Frequently Asked Questions

Profit Prendre

Enables GreenTrees the right to take market metric tons of carbon produced from the trees growing on the land.

Payments from Owner

GreenTrees gets payment through the transactions of the carbon sales; landowner does not pay GreenTrees. Any management fees or work conducted by Milliken on non-enrolled acres at the direction of landowner is separate.


No ownership is granted to GreenTrees. There is a recorded deed placed on the acres enrolled in the program, and the profit prendre is placed on the acres.

Pioneering Species


GreenTrees will provide options for planting which may include sweetgum or cottonwood. We recognize that South Carolina landowners will not prefer sweetgum. Preferred hardwood species are interplanted between the pioneer species. 


Every year the growth and carbon sequestration of the area/trees are measured. If we have a drought, mortality, damage from storms, fire, etc. we could have less growth than expected in a calendar year. Therefore, we would not be able to market as many carbon credits. The pooling of acres helps minimize risk for GreenTrees. 


At least once a year after stands/trees are established (after year 2) the site is accessed, and trees are measured. The first two years there will be more access required for site preparation, tree planting and verifying survival and stand establishment. 

Notice to Landowner

We will work with you on notice, probably a week out for verifications. The site prep and planting will be the hardest based on contractors’ schedules. If you have events or hunting trips planned, we can place them on our calendars for planning purposes. We will work with the landowner on all scheduling for access dates. 

Any Guarantees to Payment

The first 1 - 15 years have either guaranteed payments or 50/50 carbon credits. Years 16 - 40 have either timber thinning or 50/50 share in carbon sales between GreenTrees and the landowner. Years 16 - 40 trees are established, and landowner will have merchantable timber and carbon potential. 

If Both GreenTrees and Milliken file for Bankruptcy

The deed easement is still on the acres enrolled. There may be a third party that moves in and buys out the program, therefore the landowner and third party will continue with the program and payments to the landowner will continue for the remainder of the 40-year commitment. The program is intended for landowners willing to commit to 40 years as a deed is placed on enrolled acres. 


See how much a GreenTrees forest can increase wildlife on your property.

Enter the number of acres forested to see how many more deer and turkey can thrive on your land.